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Starseed Virtual Sessions
with Cathleen Miller

Cathleen Miller Starseed
Goddess Channeling

unedited photos from Boynton Canyon vortex Sedona retreat and live group channel Florida

Starseed Support For Higher Vibrational Life On Earth
As our planet and collective consciousness continues to increase in vibration lower forms of living are intensely transitioning or becoming obsolete. These starseed awakening private 1:1 virtual facilitation is intended to support more light being connection awareness, physical - mental - emotional - etheric - astral balance. While also grounding shifts around ascension from 3D into higher vibrational 5D conscious living. 

Starseed Support
1:1 Private Virtual Sessions

explore your unique connections and gifts

Private Virtual 1:1 Starseed Sessions with Cathleen

May include:

  • personalized intuitive development for your own unique circumstances

  • energetic clearing around galactic akashic affecting your life today

  • personal star being guide counsel to support whatever is appropriate for you in regards to balancing energies + soul path direction

  • if appropriate personal activation codes, channel clearing or healing


This offering will meet you wherever you are on your personal journey to support more ease and clarity for your experience around what awakening of starseed awareness is useful for you to create and contribute to a more peaceful, conscious sustainable future for our planet.


For some who newly awakening around their gifts opening, sessions are more informative and supportive to create whatever would support the most confidence and balance for you. Others may be fully aware of their starseed connections and are seeking more specific clearing, support or development required.


No matter where you are on your own starseed path, as long as you are open minded and willing to expand, or fine tune, sessions can contribute to more empowered clarity for you. My focus is for you to embrace your capacities, harness your strength so you can create the greatest life possible.

Is now the time?

Trust what you know.

Am I A Starseed

5 Tips to know if YOU are a Starseed?

  1. you have sense of never quite belonging here on earth, some may have memories and connections to benevolent beings off planet

  2. have unexplainable abilities that are uncommon, such as psychic, healing or other unique to you energetic or physical (athletic talent) capacities

  3. you identify with science fiction characters which seem familiar, or possibly  you have knowledge of having lived on other planets

  4.  your body is more sensitive than most with foods, volume, chemicals and environment awareness, your system reacts, while others seem oblivious

  5. you have sense that you are here to contribute to change on earth and seeking to raise vibrational consciousness for more peace and wellbeing

*if you relate to 3 or more of these, you are highly likely a starseed

*Want more info? Read my recent blog Are you a starseed?


Akashic Records
Starseed Contact

*all program page content copyrighted Cathleen Miller Intuitive Lifestyle Success TM 2023

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