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Expert Tips For Vibrational Communication

Vibrational communication

Most believe that you have to physically speak to communicate, when actually way more non verbal exchanges or 'vibrational communications' are happening all of the time. Everywhere you go, you are exchanging more than most are capable of comprehending.

As a master intuitive development coach, I work distance around the world with clients (most I have never met in person) working only through voice and intutive interaction, (clairvoyantly observing their non physical energies), while also training them to be more aware of the power that is in their body mind connection.

If you're willing to begin to increase your personal intuitive awareness, you can start to discover you have way more power than you ever thought. Yet personal power requires massive self awareness that you simply can not fake. This is why honoring a personal practice that helps you to be reinforcing your core clarity, will support you being more confident in this ongoing non verbal experience.

When you begin to become more self aware, it is natural to begin to be more sensitive to your environment, relationships and even non verbal exchanges with strangers. Some feel this is a weakness, when actually it is an opportunity to begin to develop yourself in a way that empowers you in the world and with everyone around you, without having to say a word.

As you move out into the world to interact with other people in your business, your community or your family, then it is likely you will come across others who are extremely different, or even opposite in their energy and conduct. While most often knee jerk react to this in an offensive or defensive position, this simply locks and drains anyone in the mix. Doing this will take you out of the vibrational intuitive awareness and put you into a mental lockdown.

Or if you use this same scenario as an advantage to stay balanced within yourself, you can take non verbal questions (such as aversion to their presence or contraction at their tone) and politely shift out of the interaction, or speak clearly about whatever your boundaries are around the subject.

Sometimes we begin the day happy. Let's say you are energized and enjoying your favorite morning coffee from Starbucks, and you're jazzed up to rock your day. You think "I've so got this." Then you walk into your office building and literally 30 seconds later, you feel like you stepped into wet sinking concrete that's drying around you and you feel a sort of density kind of close in.

This could be a few different things going on like your stepping into your own negative energy you left there from the day before around a challenge within the office, or it could be toxic people or issues in the workplace that your body is not wanting to be around. Awareness is not about making anyone else wrong but more importantly clarifying from the energy what is really right for you.

3 Intuitive Expert Tips to support healthier non verbal vibrational communication

1- Monitor Your Breath - ask yourself to align with the appropriate breath count that will support you in the moment. Do I need to breathe deeper here to steady myself? Stretch for a moment? Counting your breath until you feel relief can go a long way to steady your energy and lift you out of the negativity.

2- Posture Your Position - leaning forward can indicate a vulnerability for the energy your around or falling into someone else's field. Leaning back can mean your back pedaling from too much coming at you. Steadying your gate and standing strong can help you keep balance when other influences are taking their toll.

3- Only Speak From Clarity - many people agree to things they did not think through or consider energetically which they will inevitably regret most of the time. Especially if your off, wait to get into your own space to be sure the ask, commitment or energy is right for you first before agreeing to anything. If your not clear, your not ready to make the deal.

We have all heard radio waves on broadcasts that overlaps two different or maybe even three different radio stations all playing simultaneously which is annoying. This is a great example of several layers of information happening at once. Vibrational communication can be like this in that information from your body, strangers passing you on the street, information coming through from the commercial in the window, cars passing by and on and on. As a born medium this experience of too much at once would make me go running out of the mall or crowded public space.

Over time I learned to tune myself to handle being so aware of so much at the same time. It can be a powerful capacity that can also give you major advantages in your personal and professional life. If you're not taking conscious responsibility for your life, you're just not going to get to these higher levels of awareness. But, but as you begin to open to those possibilities, you can begin to understand more and more.

Healthy vibrational communication is about being more in control of your broadcast signal. This is always the name of the game, when you want to be vibrationally healthy. It really invites a transparency to cut through false agendas and fraudulent non sense. All of that garbage begins to get weeded out. For me personally, but also for a lot of my clients that who are wanting less drama while becoming more streamlined in their energy.

As you begin to take steps to develop your own vibrational communication, a whole new world of possibilities can open up for you. Which can turn into major progress and self awareness, but also in just simplifying things so that you're feeling more freedom and ease in your life. What are you aware of that can support you improving your own energy today?

Cathleen Miller Master Intuitive Business + Energy Coach

Distance Intuitive Healing Sessions, Events + Retreats


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