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Top 3 Benefits of Intuitive Pet Reiki

Updated: Aug 10, 2018

woman riding horse

 As much as I love working with the physical human body, also having the privilege to work with animals facilitating pet reiki or energy therapies, is equally fascinating. This above picture is a client of mine in Florida who just won a national championship gold medal for riding. I had the honor of working as a small part of her wellness team for her competing horses.

After years of procedures and challenges from competing, it was such a thrill to see a win come together for her. What my distance intuitive readings and reiki offered for her horses was animal communication about issues they wished for her to know so she could have more awareness and choice about the best care and training for them.  

Often pet reiki and energy therapy sessions are obvious in their value for pets in the release of pain or more well adjusted behavior. Animals that were previously trauma ridden can do some pretty odd things, so again communicating this from pet to owner can be very helpful. Living with a pet in chronic pain or anxiety is not fun for any pet owner so again often clarity about solutions can be very supportive. 

The great thing about basic reiki is that you can learn it and do it yourself, or you can hire a professional to do it for you. I have never met these amazing horses in person and only worked on them distance, which has the same positive affect as being there. In quantum field there is no time or space so energy can transfer through time, space, time zone etc., with more ease than most give credit. 

Discovering more about the relationship, soul agreements and unique connections you have with your pets, is profoundly heartwarming to say the least. Plus really getting what they are attempting to teach you, is as fascinating as it is unique to each individual pet and their owner. 

Top 3 Benefits of Animal Reiki + Intuitive Pet Readings

1. Natural method to address trauma- although some animals who have endured trauma benefit from sedation at some point they come to and can have emotional wounds that can leave them fearful or anxious. Adding reiki to your regular veterinary care can support natural balancing for your pets to balance naturally and restore a new sense of ease. 

2. Energetic awareness of your soul contract with your pets- I often laugh here because wow do we attract the perfect pets into our lives. Although not always easy or sometimes down right maddening, this can reflect our own limitations that this pet is trying to teach through action for us to grow.

3. Supportive communication to better understand the behavioural messages your pet is sending- no matter what odd ball thing your pet is doing, there is often a message or reflection that they are attempting to convey through their actions. Asking if there is a pattern connect for you can open new awareness about what could be going on. 

Let's face it, animals are little fur balls without angel wings. I know my pets have been extraordinary for my own personal development as a person and as a healer. If this is of interest for you to further explore, I would encourage you to discover more about working with your pets energetically and or working with an energy facilitator that resonates with you. 

Cathleen Miller

Pet Intuitive & Usui Reiki Master since 2002

Sessions, Retreats & Events available internationally


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