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Law of Attraction Mastering Vibrational Alignment

law of attraction vibrational alignment

Where is your vibration? More people are waking up to the understanding around basic law of attraction, meaning that what you focus on, you attract. Well...maybe on some topics but not everything right? It takes tremendous conscious accountability to acknowledge that we are creating and co-creating our reality in every single thing that is transpiring in our own lives. As well as contributing to the greater collective we are all experiencing simultaneously as well.

Easy to get behind law of attraction when you are happy with what you are creating and your life is smooth sailing. A little tougher however, when your circumstances and manifestations are not happening as you had hoped, or worse, you are creating the opposite of what you prefer and digging your heels in with the negative. If so then just take a deep breath, we have all been there and simply clarify what you do desire to happen or change. Sometimes just doing that can bring tremendous relief.

I personally found law of attraction principles over thirty years ago from several authors who inspired me to be more aware of everything I was doing and focusing on. Today I am still incredibly passionate about teaching and training clients to be more intuitive around their own vibrational alignment. I love training them to better understand what is really happening in their subtle energy field which is incredibly satisfying work. I love being able to trek clients up the vibrational scale getting them to experience their own increasing enthusiasm and empowered sense of possibility that propels them forward. I love empowering everyone into their own intuitive capacities to transform their bodies and lives.

While there are never ending subtle refinements on vibrational accuracy and stamina of focus, it is easy to tell where you are stuck by what is happening in your business, your body or any area of your life. If your relationships are less than joyful, then circling around to your story and how you are expecting things to go, can highlight where you may be harboring past resentments not letting you move forward.

Struggling with money? Check out if you feel guilty about your worth, or other wonky beliefs around being able to receive. While these sound easy, sometimes these patterns can be so familiar they are not so easy to shift on our own. Finding a conscious intuitive vibrational law of attraction coach can help you clarify where you are going off track and help get you vibrationally fit to be able to achieve your ideal vision of happiness, health or success.

Here are a few of my law of attraction intuitive expert tips to help you get started to create more of what you are really desiring to live and experience in your life.

1- Feel Your Words - we all know how to say the positive happy face statements but if you do not really feel them inside then you can be broadcasting the opposite out and creating from where your energy really is (like lack, frustration, anger). If any area is not what you want, or the opposite of where you feel you should be then this is step one for sure to shore up. Working with where you feel then moving up is not easy but can get you into a more positive momentum.

2- Know Thy Vibe - you have to get real with where you really are in your focus patterns. These for most are all over the place in knee jerk negative reaction to just about everything. 2020 has challenged everyone to up their vibrational set point exponentially. If you do not have a strong core of wellbeing and knowing that you can focus yourself into balance then that would be a foundational priority to work on for you.

3- Be Kind + Keep It Light - most of us tend to be so ridiculously hard on ourselves about so many things. Being kind to yourself, especially when there is so much in the world that is all to easy to freak out about does not make you bad or wrong. Remember as Abraham, Esther Hicks says "there are a lot of realities out there that you want nothing to do with," so be very aware of where you are choosing to put your energy and focus. As you practice training yourself higher vibrationally this becomes easier to do and keep up with in increasingly challenging public dynamics. The more you align your own vibration to match what you want, it has to begin to show up for you.

If you are feeling encouraged and aware that you are doing most of these in your daily practice then bravo, stay the course and keep going. If this inspired new desire to be more aware of where your energy is going and how to improve your focus to create better, then working with a conscious energy coach can make all the difference for you.

It takes strength to ask for support and allow new ways to improve how we are creating in the world. We can all use more support to find and maintain our core confidence, personal balance while also staying inspired to manifest more of what we are truly desiring to experience in life.

Cathleen Miller Law of Attraction Master Energy Coach

Distance Intuitive Healing Sessions, Events + Retreats

Free Activate Your Intuition e-course on site link

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