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Intuitive Lifestyle Blog

Intuitive Mentorship : 3 tips to support your spiritual awakening
Like it or not, we are all in an accelerated time of greater spiritual awakening on planet earth. Between radical global shifts, massive...

Intuitive Questions : Using Intuition To Understand Your Dreams
The same exact dream can have countless interpretations. We are all so unique in how we think and experience our own reality that...

Intuitive Questions | Transitioning from Corporate to Soulpreneur
One of the greatest silver linings of 2020 is that more people let go of outmoded energies they did not even realize were holding them...

Intuitive Questions | Clearing Intuitive Business Blocks
Most businesses run from theorized assumptions about what the "right steps" are to be implementing for each stage. While fundamental...

3 Tips To Make Turning 50 Fabulous
Yesterday I was in an appointment when I overheard a woman in the room next to me who said, "After women turn 50, it is all downhill from...

3 Ways To Know You Need A Business Energy Healer
Having several support systems in place to ensure a strong foundation are key to any thriving business. For some this may be reserves of...

Law of Attraction Expert Tips to Raise Your Vibration
Everyone wants to feel good. Yet in this interesting global time (to put it mildly), it is all too easy to get caught up in negativity...

3 Tips To Become Your Intuitive Self
When you are really in the flow while being your most authentic version of yourself, what exactly are you doing? Or be-ing? Finding what...

Becoming A Money Magnet Expert Tips
Enjoy free iuniverse Money Magnet replay from master intuitive success coach Cathleen Miller and certified financial planner Dawn...

Using Your Intuitive GPS
Are you getting the most out of your own internal 'intuitive' GPS system? Most of us have GPS in our cars, we have real time location,...

3 Reasons Your Not Pregnant (yet...)
Pregnancy is truly a miracle. There are countless truly mind boggling detail factors it takes to be able to physically, emotionally,...

3 Expert Tips To Love Yourself More
Loving ones self is not commonly seen as a power. Yet it is one of the greatest strengths you can cultivate to support true success and...

Expert Tips For Vibrational Communication
Most believe that you have to physically speak to communicate, when actually way more non verbal exchanges or 'vibrational...

3 Expert Energy Balancing Tips 2021
More and more of my intuitive coaching clients are requesting increased support to be able to manage the stress of the times. Everyone is...

How Intuition Saved My Life
Healthy and clear intuition is invaluable and can guide you around or through any challenge in your life. In my opinion intuitive...

Law of Attraction Mastering Vibrational Alignment
Where is your vibration? More people are waking up to the understanding around basic law of attraction, meaning that what you focus on,...

ADD ADHD Support Tips
As a child I knew I was very different. Being born intuitively gifted, I was highly kinetic, while also being hyper sensitive to almost...

What Is A Faith Healer?
Recently in a distance energy healing session, I was asked if I was considered to be a 'faith healer'? While I imagine if you asked...

Tips To Thrive In Life
While chaos has been ongoing for so many around the world this spring, everyone is still faced with how to cope while moving forward. We...

Preventative Wellness Intuition
The best wellness plan for us all, is to "stay well". While that sounds great, it is easier said than done for most. What if there is a...
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